
Virtual modern bakery : A 3D factory experience

The Virtual Modern Bakery (BMV), created by 12 French leaders in semi-industrial and industrial bakeries, is the first 3D virtual factory of its kind.

Boulangerie moderne virtuelle

Visit the Virtual Modern Bakery to discover all the equipment and services offered by companies specializing in the bakery industry.


Download the application for your mobile device: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=fr.artefacto.adepta.fournil.store

*Participants in this project included: BFR SYSTEMSBongard, C.F.I.A, CLAUGEREUROGERM, HOPI CONSULTING, JACMECATHERM, , Panem InternationalSHICK ESTEVE (Rians)SOREMAVMI Mixers