The market BVP for Bakery / Viennoiserie / Pastry.

This market at Clauger includes specific processes such as: traditional breads (uncooked, precooked, frozen), puff pastries (uncooked, baked, frozen), brioche, sandwich bread, etc.

We bring our know-how as specialists to provide:

  • perfectly controlled food products, by ensuring a homogeneous treatment of them,
  • safe and quality products,
  • comfort for the production personnel
  • operating personnel as support for industries in reducing their energy consumption, water
    consumption and maintenance costs.

Our know-how in process air treatment and in industrial cold production, as well as our specific equipment solutions allow us to control all of your applications and their constraints such as:

  • The treatment of manufacturing climate atmospheres: preparation of doughs, oven/cooking
    zones, slicing and packaging, positive and negative cold rooms, etc.
  • process air treatment: baking, cooling and bleeding, freezing

At each step, Clauger ensures homogeneous and constant environment conditions by working on controlling temperatures, hygrometer, air speeds and filtration on the products.

Our expertise makes it possible to guarantee ultra-clean atmospheres, with temperature and hygrometer control, with the control and monitoring of the air flows of the entire plant, in order to prevent any airborne contamination, condensation on the products or on the packaging or to limit the atmosphere or capturing them via filtration and/or dust removal.

By integrating our range of products and expertise, Clauger offers turnkey solutions that combine:

  • Low temperature refrigeration production for freezing and cold storage.
  • Refrigeration for positive cold rooms and cooling of ambient air.
  • Production and supply of secondary coolants for feeding kneaders, yeast vats, milk vats, egg vats, etc.
  • Production of process water.
  • Hygienic air treatment and refrigeration equipment, Air Handling Units (CTA IHP, EcoCTA) dehydrators, exhaust systems, and air curtain solutions.
  • Heat recovery from refrigeration systems (DHW, hot brine for reheat and defrosting).
  • SMO continuous belt freezing tunnel, sequential defrost, and energy management over 5 years via MyClauger Portal.

Vision 360°

Clauger offers a 360° approach for any industrial site, with industrial refrigeration and air treatment solutions and the complete integration of skills, from design to operation. As a unique leader in our market, we work with you to control overall operating costs and reduce the environmental footprint of your factory.

A multidisciplinary team of specialists with an international reputation for the design of reliable facilities that guarantee quality products over time.

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Industrial refrigeration, air treatment and environment

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