Water Weight, a “smart” tool that makes the invisible visible. This Plug & Play solution measures and controls the water loss of products in real time while controlling production using historical, aggregated data.
This product was designed to increase the efficiency of cooling coils, improve product quality, increase product yield, and limit product degradation.
Water Weight can be integrated into Clauger’s Process Performance Contract, a tailored service contract that commits to performance objectives and monitors the installation over a predefined period.

A Brief History of Water Weight
Water plays a critical role in the food industry, specifically in applications such as drying, ripening, and conservation.
Until recently, manufacturers had limited to no tools to:
- Monitor and quantify weight loss of products in real time
- Control equipment performance for improved energy efficiency and maintenance
Water Weight is the only “3 in 1” tool on the market that allows to:
- 1. Continuously measure water loss and acquire dat
- 2. Analyze and track condensed water to minimize weight loss
- 3. Intervene in case of significant weight loss and/or alert in case of system deviations
The “Smart” Water Weight, the premium solution in its range, integrates artificial intelligence to adapt to various applications. Using the recorded data, it is possible to define the ideal kinetics for each application.
In case of deviations, the tool compares similar situations previously recorded and suggests corrective measures.
Thibaut M.
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