Design’Air combines numerical simulation and engineering expertise to help you understand and identify improvements in your operations.
Aeraulic or CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) simulation can be used to characterize air flows, rates of heat exchange, and other essential aspects of a room’s performance.
Clauger can accurately and efficiently address a wide variety of scenarios in terms of:
- Product quality: identify homogeneity of air conditions surrounding the products.
- Product safety: identify critical areas throughout the production process.
- Personnel Safety: identify working conditions of personnel, comfort levels, and emission risks (dust, fumes).
- Energy: optimize and balance air flows and improve heating & cooling cycle times.
Clauger experts assess the different scenarios and recommend the most optimized thermo-aeraulic solution. This allows Clauger teams to commit to a result in the design phase, adapt the defined solution to implementation constraints, or anticipate the impacts of an installation modification.
In a co-development project with Clauger, we can prove the diffusion design through aeraulic tests on a 1:0 scale model.

A Brief History of Design'Air
Clauger has manufactured custom textile duct technology in France and Mexico for over 20 years. Our mastery of air diffusion is credited to this activity and experience.
Clauger realized the value of air diffusion design for our customers and their products. So, we turned our attention to thermo-aeraulic simulation, eventually integrating this skill internally.
Today, our expertise in air diffusion enables us to offer customers effective and proven solutions. We developed a solution that encompasses the range of our thermo-aeraulic expertise and adds value for our clients. This solution is known as Design’Air.

Case study
Uniform Drying for a Cheese Producer
A Clauger customer was experiencing problems with the drying of their cheese. They had quality issues and heterogenous batches during the cheese drying. So, Clauger worked with them to identify the source of their problem and improve their overall production.
Our teams began by establishing and refining the customer’s needs and current challenges. Once established, a series of measurements were taken to determine the current conditions and identify the problem’s source.
Numerical simulations and discussions with the customer allowed us to define and implement an optimized solution. To test the solution in real production conditions, we set up a test room to dry the cheese using a network of horizontal and vertical textile ducts.
A qualification audit, optimizing the existing design, and a series of tests made it possible to achieve the objective: 100% of the products were dried without installing new equipment and within the defined drying time.
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