Access by Clauger is a product range of stainless-steel units that control the temperature and humidity (75-98%) of process rooms, no matter the size.
The Access Product Line has 5 available models:
- Access H
- Access Height
- Access Double Flow
- Access V
- Rotary Access (connected revolving dryer)
The Access units can be ceiling mounted or floor standing based on the needs and constraints. The air diffusion is either direct blowing or via a network of Clauger’s textile ducts. With large, hinged doors, the interior of the unit is completely accessible, ensuring easy, complete cleaning.
The entire range is equipped as standard with 100% stainless steel IP69K motors. Depending on the version, the Access range covers a wide range of air flows, from 500 to 50,000 m3/h.

The short history of the Access range
As the name indicates, the units in the “Access” product line are designed with 2 key objectives: complete accessibility and hygienic design.
Over the years, Clauger has developed various products and solutions to meet specific customer needs. This is the case, for example, with the Access Height and Rotary Access models. Clauger integrated an air scrubbing system into both products to remove ammonia in pressed cheese aging rooms and in goat cheese drying rooms.

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