Industrial refrigeration, air treatment and environment
Clauger has extensive expertise in industrial refrigeration, process air treatment, and more recently in environmental solutions like depollution, energy optimization and recovery, and emission reduction.
There are many technological “building blocks” that we integrate into our work. Our goal is to ensure each customer has the support they need now and in the future—all over the planet.

Industrial Refrigeration
Artificial refrigeration was founded in the mid-19th century. The world quickly understood its importance in the production, transport, and storage of products. Refrigeration facilities were primarily used in the food production industry to preserve perishable ingredients.
Industrial refrigeration has become ubiquitous as a way to protect essential products and processes. Today, it is used across markets from food and beverage to pharmaceutical production to microchip manufacturing.
We use the properties of refrigerants in our designs to reduce our installations’ environmental impact and footprint. Our designs optimize performance and sustainability by using natural refrigerants such as Ammonia (NH3), Propane (R290), and CO2, in addition to synthetic refrigerants with a low GWP.
Clauger creates energy-efficient and environmentally-friendly facilities with a range of solutions for the refrigerant type (glycol, water)—for secondary cooling, refrigerant distribution, or heat production depending on your needs.
We also offer multi-brand compressors, turnkey machine rooms, and related services and support.
Our industrial refrigeration expertise ensures we can support you in many ways. From energy production or reducing overall consumption, to optimizing operating costs or recovering and storing energy, we’re here to help you.
Process air treatment
Air. Air is everywhere around us. Quick cooling, freezing, drying, and industrial dust removal are crucial for our clients. At Clauger, we work with air in all its forms to optimize our customers’ industrial sites.
As consumers demand transparency into where their food comes from and how it’s processed, a new wave of concerned, health-conscious eaters has emerged in recent years. New consumer trends mean the industry must quickly adapt its processes and implement new manufacturing methods to ensure the consistent quality and safety of food products.
This need for cleaner and more natural products is why Clauger has developed a “Clean Label” approach to support manufacturers as a specialist in air treatment and hygiene.
The safety and quality of products throughout the production cycle is at the heart of our business.
Treating the air around these products allows us to act on constraints such as temperature, humidity, air velocity and diffusion, gas content, or dust levels to:
- Transform a product (for cheese ripening cavers, meat curing, etc.)
- Control the risk of airborne contamination by purifying the air (to protect sensitive products or decontaminate production zones)
- Eliminate the need for additives and chemicals
- Apply cooling or freezing applications
- Maintain adequate conditions in storage or work zones (in cold storage rooms or packaging zones)
With our expertise and standout products, Clauger is committed to helping customers produce healthy, natural, and environmentally responsible products now and in the future.

Preserving our planet’s future is both pressing and non-negotiable. It is also our teams’ top priority. Many manufacturers are equally sensitive to this and working to improve their environmental impact.
Over the past several years, Clauger has invested heavily in this area and will continue finding new ways and technologies to transform customer constraints into opportunities.
Clauger’s custom solutions integrate the treatment and recovery of energy, air, and water to provide efficient, reliable solutions: “nothing is lost… everything is recovered.”
Our systems are designed to meet customer needs while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption and conserving water to reduce, recycle, and reuse all potential waste. We are working on various solutions that implement a range of technologies to treat industrial discharge; reduce foul odors or the emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs); and recover heat from hot gases, dust, and solvents to recycle and save energy.
Clauger’s 360° vision is to provide customers with the maximum added value. This vision addresses all customer needs, from improving product quality and safety, to enhancing the production process or optimizing the entire site. With our expertise, solutions, and experience, we are committed to working with clients over the long-term.
To deliver this comprehensive approach, our teams work to understand and analyze the needs of each customer, and then tailor a custom offer. The result is a differentiating and scalable solution… at 360°.

Key numbers
Skids Manufactured Annually
Air Treatment Units Manufactured Annually
Nuclear Reactor = the amount of energy reduced annually for our customers since 2013