
Clauger at Insects to Feed the World Conference 2024

We are thrilled to announce that Clauger will be participating in the Insects to Feed the World Conference in Singapore from June 19-22, 2024.

Insects to Feed the World 2024

We are thrilled to announce that Clauger will be present at the 2024 IFW Conference in Singapore from June 19-22. This prestigious event brings together global leaders and innovators to explore the future of insect farming and its crucial role in addressing the global food system’s challenges.

Join Our Expert Round Table Discussion

Mark your calendars for Thursday, June 20, when Clauger’s experts will host a compelling round table discussion. With extensive experience and proven solutions in insect production, our team is set to delve into some of the most pressing issues and exciting opportunities in the industry.

Discussion Highlights:
  • Alternative Protein Sources: Discover how insect farming can serve as a sustainable and nutritious alternative protein source for both human and animal consumption, addressing the growing demand for protein in a resource-efficient manner.
  • Modular & Scalable Systems: Gain insights into the modular and scalable systems designed by Clauger that adapt to various feedstocks and climates, ensuring flexibility and efficiency in diverse operational contexts.
  • Industrial & Economic Performance: Explore the industrial and economic performance of our innovative solutions that help reduce operational costs, minimize environmental impact, and enhance the quality of insect-based products.
  • Scaling Up Production: Understand the challenges and solutions associated with scaling up insect production, including navigating regulatory frameworks, maintaining quality standards, achieving customer acceptance, and developing effective distribution channels.

The session will conclude with a Q&A segment, providing attendees with an opportunity for an in-depth discussion on various aspects of insect production systems, tailored solutions, and the specific needs of different stakeholders.

Visit Our Booth

In addition to the round table discussion, Clauger will have a booth at the event where attendees can meet our team, explore our latest technologies, and discuss potential collaborations. Our booth will showcase our innovative solutions in industrial refrigeration and air treatment, tailored to support the burgeoning insect farming industry.

Why Attend?

The IFW Conference is an unparalleled opportunity to connect with industry leaders, researchers, and innovators dedicated to advancing the field of insect farming. By participating in our round table discussion and visiting our booth, you will gain valuable insights into the future of sustainable food production and how Clauger is leading the way in developing cutting-edge solutions that address the global food system’s challenges.

We look forward to seeing you in Singapore and working together towards a more sustainable and resilient food future.