Service / Maintenance

360 service offer

Clauger’s approach is to bring maximum added value to an industrial site around the service, maintenance and operation professions with a notion of performance commitment over time.
Operating costs are optimized with the lowest possible environmental impact. Thanks to its dual expertise in refrigeration and air treatment, Clauger accompanies you, to guarantee a reliable production tool, available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Our local teams are mobilized to provide you with the best level of service and support from specialists on a daily basis.
The digitization of our know-hows allows us to integrate an e-Service dimension with the continuous and real-time monitoring of your installations and the joint definition of performance indicators.

This new approach materializes with a new generation of results commitment contracts: e-Service.

Vision 360 du service

Air treatment

Clauger is a service and maintenance specialist in air treatment.

Clauger’s offer brings together a set of services that meet the needs of food and industrial manufacturers:


  • Air Flow Management Audit (GFA)
    Qualify the aeraulics of a plant and the efficiency of air treatment and ventilation equipment.
  • Air hygiene audit
    Materialize the hygienic efficiency of the plant’s air treatment.
  • Air quality audit
    Achieve product quality objectives (limit weight loss, optimize yields, etc.).
Service Traitement d'Air

News & insights


Excessive ice buildup can create safety hazards, reduce system efficiency, and lead to regulatory citations. Clauger’s latest white paper outlines best practices for managing ice accumulation to ensure compliance and operational reliability.